2023 |
2022 |
Council Club
Co-hosted a weekly Zoom meeting where we discussed Omaha City Council. |
2021 |
2020 |
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
Vertigo Books
Inspired by Vertigo Records logo and Vision Gator skateboard graphics. |
Glow Pony
e-Bike powered by Dewalt batteries. |
2016 |
Signs pointing to war zones. |
DIY Track Timer
Beam sensors wired into a USB encoder for lap times and MPH, accuracte up to .001 second. |
2015 |
2014 |
Stop Shopping Paintings
Each time I sell one of these paintings, I will shopdrop an additional copy at a local megastore. |
Cutout Books
Hand cut patterns in paper with a X-Acto Knife. |
Fire Flipbook
I burn the last page of these flipbooks so that they smell like smoke. |
JUMP! Flipbook
Made with the help of five enthusiastic students at The Kent Bellows Studio. |
2013 |
2012 |
Marilyn Monroe Supercut
Watch Marilyn walk and run, in, out, and through 100 door scenes from every movie she was in. |
My Friends Zine
Photographs of topless girls with bags covering their faces by María Raquel Cochez. |
2011 |
9/11 Media Study
Counted the number of times news showed the plane crashes, building collapses, and falling people on 9/11. |
2010 |
2009 |
Weekly Address
President Obama's Weekly address stretched out to a week long video.
2008 |
Chuck Close Filter
Digital mosaic that builds images out of dissected Chuck Close paintings.
Every Barcode
Capturing every imaginable product. This animation takes 300 years to complete.
Barcode Jane Fonda
Video application for the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery Competition.
2007 |
2006 |
Barcode Coffee Mugs
The perfect size for your favorite morning beverage or late night brew.
2005 |
9/11 Flipbook
What do you think about this project? Please tell me, I want to know.
Barcode Dog Tags
One need not enlist to sport one of these aluminum identification tags.
2004 |
Barcode Tattoos
Temporary tattoos made with medically approved decal paper.
2003 |
2002 |
Barcode Yourself
Enter personal information to be encoded and find how much you are worth.
Another film I acted in that was also directed by Aaron Norhanian.
Flag Remix
Rearrange the color and design of flags from around the world.
2001 |
Film about my triumphant run on a downtown street in Savannah, GA wearing just shoes.
2000 |
1999 |
1998 |