Licensed Under Creative Commons |
ISBN/OJ/Books |
Date Created | - | March 4, 2003 |
| Image Dimensions | - | 54 x 54 inches (137.16 x 137.16 cm) |
| Pixel Dimensions | - | 11,200 x 11,200 |
| Pixels Per Inch | - | 207.407 ppi |
| File Size | - | 56.6 Megabytes |
| Color Mode | - | Grayscale |
| File Format | - | Photoshop |
| Individual Barcode Image Dimensions | - | Large. - 3.38 x 1.93 in (8.57 x 4.90 cm) Medium - 1.69 x 0.96 in (4.29 x 2.45 cm) |
| Individual Barcode Pixel Dimensions | - | Large. -. 700 x 400 Medium -. 350 x 200 |
| Barcodes Generated | - | 62 |
| Number of Barcodes Wide | - | 16, 32 |
| Number of Barcodes High | - | 28, 56 |
| Total Barcodes in Final Image | - | ??? |
| Hardware | - | Power Macintosh G3 300 MHz with 192 MB RAM |
| Software | - | Mac OS 9.2 Adobe Photoshop 6.01 Adobe Illustrator 8 Internet Explorer 5 | | |  ISBN/OJ/Books | | | | |