Licensed Under Creative Commons |

 Photo by Bill Sitzmann |
My name is Scott Bl8ke. I am a very frivolous artist and my work has been in fantastic art galleries. I've exhibited in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Washington DC, Paris, Vienna, and beyond. The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, FHM, Bizarre, Art Papers, and Adbusters magazine have featured my Barcode Art, in addition I was interviewed on ABC World News Tonight, BBC, Boing Boing, and Tech TV. The creators of Photoshop recognized my artwork at the Adobe Design Achievement Awards, held in the Guggenheim Museum NYC. I was commissioned to create custom art for the actress Jane Fonda and also by the University of Ottawa in Canada. I received a BFA from the Savannah College of Art and Design in 2003. I was born in Tampa, Florida 1976 and I currently live in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
View my current Curriculum Vitae.
Magazines, Newspapers, TV, Film, and full text interviews.
Keep track of what I'm working on, random thoughts, and what not.
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