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Creative Commons

Chuck Close Filter by Scott Blake
Chuck Close does not want his art to be trivialized. He will exercise his legal rights, even if your motives are good. If he knows about your project and does nothing, that will put him in a position where he cannot fight the next, even more egregious usage of his copyrighted images and use of his name.
"it may be an amusing project and many people might like it, but it is MY art that is trivialized, MY career you are jeopardizing, MY legacy, which i have to think about for my children, and MY livelihood. i must fight to protect it."
Chuck Close, November 2010


1. Do not scan, import, or photograph any of Chuck Close's original images from books, websites, or museums to be used in your own projects.

2. Do not appropriate, reference, or digitally convert any of Chuck Close's original images.

3. Do not create a computer program, Photoshop action, or online filter that builds mosaics out of dissected Chuck Close images.

4. Do not use Chuck Close's name in the title of your project.

Scott Blake

Important Dates
2001 - I created a Chuck Close filter.
2008 - I launched
2010 - Chuck Close threatened to sue me.
2012 - published article.
2013 - I gave TEDxOmaha talk in Omaha, NE.
2021 - Chuck Close died.
2091 - Relaunch filter after copyright expires.
Chuck Close filter images for reference only.

847 B/W Tiles

847 B/W Tiles (ZIP File)

997 Line Tiles

997 Line Tiles (ZIP File)

1,300 Color Tiles

1,300 Color Tiles (ZIP File)

Chuck Close's painting of Lucas
Chuck Close's painting of Lucas

Dissecting mosaic in Photoshop
Dissecting mosaic in Photoshop

847 mosaic tiles
847 mosaic tiles

Chuck Close's photograph of Lucas
Chuck Close's photograph of Lucas

Scott Blake's version of Lucas
Scott Blake's version of Lucas

Self Portrait made with Lucas tiles
Self Portrait made with Lucas tiles

Chuck Close's photograph of Phillip
Chuck Close's photograph of Phillip

Chuck Close's drawing of Phillip
Chuck Close's drawing of Phillip

Scott Blake's version of Philip
Scott Blake's version of Philip

Scott Blake's version of Philip made with bigger tiles
Scott Blake's version of Philip made with bigger tiles
Scott Blake's version of Phillip made with Lucas Tiles
Scott Blake's version of Phillip made with Lucas Tiles
Scott Blake's version of Lucas made with Phillip tiles
Scott Blake's version of Lucas made with Phillip tiles
Chuck Close's "Big Self-Portrait" completed in 1968
Chuck Close's "Big Self-Portrait" completed in 1968
Scott Blake's self portrait made with color tiles in 2008
Scott Blake's self portrait made with color tiles in 2008
Collaboration with photo booth artist in 2003 (1,600 tiles)
Collaboration with photo booth artist in 2003 (1,600 tiles)
Studies in Perception #1 "Studies in Perception #1" by Leon Harmon and Ken Knowlton completed in 1966. Computer produced mosaic, 5 x 10 feet. Printed in the New York Times on October 11, 1967, and exhibited at Museum Of Modern Art in 1968. (Copyright © Leon Harmon and Ken Knowlton 1966).
Big Nude” by Chuck Close completed in 1967. Acrylic on canvas, 9’9” x 21’1”. (Image via “Chuck Close” book published by Museum of Modern Art, September 2002).
Chuck Close Animation Tests
aka "Chuck Close TV"

Eadweard Muybridge
Eadweard Muybridge

Watch and Share Chuck Close Animation on
YouTube (Quicktime), Instagram (Quicktime),
Vine (Quicktime), Tumblr, or Twitter (GIF).
Combine Daniel Rozin's Wooden Mirror with my
Chuck Close Filter to make a Chuck Close Mirror.
Realtime Chuck Close Video Reflection
Realtime Chuck Close
Video Reflection
Daniel Rozin's Wooden Mirror
Daniel Rozin's
Wooden Mirror
Chuck Close Filter Tiles
Chuck Close
Filter Tiles
myAvatar C.J. Yeh created “myAvatar = myChuckClose” in November 2007. A Wii-like interface through which the viewers can create their own avatars and then convert the avatars into Chuck Close-style portraits upon submission. I warned C.J. Yeh that Chuck Close does not want his art to be trivialized, but have not heard back from him.

Filter Forge There is a Chuck Close filter on Filter Forge.
I forwarded Chuck Close’s warning on the site and the creator replied to my comments.

After Chuck Close And last but not least is Devorah Sperber’s “After Chuck Close” made with chenille stems in 2002-03. I believe using the word “After” is a reference to Sherrie Levine’s art “After Walker Evans”.